Nov 6, 2015

A Father's Role

Note from Mom
    I want you guys to know that I found you the very best father for you that I could.  He is loving and giving and cares for you very much.  All that he does outside of the home is aimed at providing for you inside our home.  He is selfless and sacrifices so much for your well-being.  Please don’t forget to tell him how much you love him.

Image result for Superman Logo

"The only superman I know is my dad."

What does the proclamation tell us that a dad's job is?

"By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families."

Preside means to exercise guidance or direction, to lead.  

"A worthy man is given the priesthood so he can preside in the home and bless his family. It is the father’s responsibility to gather the family together for family home evening and for family councils. When we join together, we develop greater love for each other as we share our testimonies and experiences. Fathers should also have prayerful, periodic interviews with each of their children. As the father listens with love, both father and child will be richly rewarded."
(Presiding Righteously in the Home, Ensign, February 2004)

Fathers are supposed to "provide the necessities of life and protection for their families."  How do fathers do this?  I'll bet you haven't thought of the many ways that your father provides for you.

Activity - 
Play Jenga:  With each block that you pull out, name or describe a way that your father provides for you.
Spill the Beans: Before placing your bean, name something that your father provides.

For Younger Children:
Read this story from the friend and discuss the question at the end.
My Dad, My Friend

For a fun craft/activity you could make these Super Hero Tootsie Pops (without the valentine).

Find instructions at "Little Bit Funky"


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