Dec 10, 2008

December Already?!?!

Man it's been a while since I last posted. I haven't had time to check on others' posts let alone time to add to ours.

Life is good here. We just do school everyday. It just seems like it's ruling my life right now.

We've had fun making Snow Ice Cream. My kids call it "Snow Cream." It's really good when you add orange juice after making it. Tasted just like those orange drinks you get at the mall.

Snow Cream: Mix 1/2 cup milk, 1/4 cup sugar, and 1/4 tsp of vanilla until sugar is dissolved. Then add mixture to 4 cups clean/edible snow and mix. Yum!

1 comment:

  1. snow ice cream sounds yummy. Glad you are all well and hope you had a great Christmas :)
