Oct 18, 2008

Fall Fun

On Friday we went to the pumpkin patch. It was raining so the hayride to pick your own pumpkin wasn't available but Rachel, Ben, Sam and Ruth went with Daddy through the corn maze. It's all fun and games till Daddy slips in the mud and is all brown!

The older kids went with me to pick a peck of apples. We went home and made Apple Crisp. Oooh how yummy.

Today we went back to the patch (it was sunny) and took the hay-ride out to the patch. We were going to pair up to create our pumpkins, but everyone ended up getting their own anyway ('cept Joseph who elected to stay home - he'll help Sam carve and Moroni, who'll help everyone carve).

1 comment:

  1. Gee, I'm glad we didn't go that day. We had already showered, and didn't really need another.
